Produits Sani Professionel Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Produits Sani Professionel Pharmaceutical Drugs:
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- Actichlor (Adams Healthcare; Ecolab; Luen Cheong Hong)
- Acticlav (Active Healthcare)
- Acticoat (Smith & Nephew; Zuellig Pharma)
- Acticoat Absorbent (Smith & Nephew; Zuellig Pharma)
- Acticof (Active Healthcare)
- Acticold (Pharmed Medicare)
- Acticort (Baker Norton Pharmaceuticals)
- Acticort (Overseas Health Care)
- Acticuf (Pharmed Medicare)
- Actide (Samarth Pharma)
- Actidex (Active Healthcare)
- Actidil (GlaxoSmithKline; Pfizer)
- Actidine (Ebewe Pharma)
- Actidol-DP (Obsurge Biotech)
- Actidrox (Active Healthcare)
- Actifed (GlaxoSmithKline; Johnson & Johnson; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Pfizer; Sterling Products Indonesia; Zuellig Pharma)
- Actifed Allergie Cetirizine (Pfizer; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals)
- Actifed Compound (GlaxoSmithKline; Firma Chun Cheong; Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma)
- Actifed DM (GlaxoSmithKline; Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma)
- Actifed DM Cough (GlaxoSmithKline; Zuellig Pharma)
- Actifed Expectorant (GlaxoSmithKline; Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma)
- Actifed Jour et Nuit (Pfizer; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals)
- Actifed Plus (Pfizer; GlaxoSmithKline; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals)
- Actifed Plus Cough Suppressant (GlaxoSmithKline; Sterling Products Indonesia)
- Actifed Plus Expectorant (GlaxoSmithKline; Sterling Products Indonesia)
- Actifed Plus Paediatric (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Actifed-C ()
- Actifedrin (GlaxoSmithKline; Farmoquimica)
- Actiflex (Pymepharco)
- Actiflex Pain Relief Rub (Wampole Brands; Pendopharm)
- Actiflora (Brovar S & P)
- Acti-Flow 68-SB ()
- Actiflox (Alicon Pharmaceuticals)
- Actiflox (Saga Laboratories)
- Actiflox-T (Alicon Pharmaceuticals)
- Actigall (Watson Pharmaceuticals; Novartis)
- Actihaemyl (Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Pharma Stulln)
- Actihist (Hovid; Goldplus Universal)
- Actilac (Embiotic Laboratories)
- Actilife (Apex Laboratories)
- Actilin ()
- Actiline ()
- Actiliv (Biophar Lifesciences)
- Actilop (Active Healthcare)
- Actilop-H (Active Healthcare)
- Actilyse (Boehringer Ingelheim; Agencia Lei Va Hong; DKSH; German Remedies; Metro Drug Distribution; Zuellig Pharma; Zydus Cadila)
- Actima (Seagull Laboratories India)
- Actimax (PSA International)
- Actimid ()
- Actimin (CCM Duopharma BioTech)