Potter's Herbal Supplies Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Potter's Herbal Supplies Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Acidosis Liquid
- Acidosis Tablets
- Adiantine
- Anased
- Anti-Smoking Tablets
- Antibron
- Antifect
- Antiglan
- Antitis
- Appetiser Mixture
- Backache Mixture
- Backache Tablets
- Balm of Gilead Mixture
- Boldex
- Catarrh Mixture
- Chest Mixture
- Cleansing Herbs
- Dermacreme
- Diuretabs
- Echinacea Elixir
- Eczema Ointment
- Elixir Damiana and Saw Palmetto
- EP and C Essence
- GB Tablets
- Herbheal Ointment
- Horehound and Aniseed Cough Mixture
- Jamaican Sarsaparilla
- Kas-Bah
- Life Drops
- Lightning Cough Remedy
- Lion Cleansing Herbs
- Medicated Extract of Rosemary
- Newrelax
- Nine Rubbing Oils
- Nodoff Liquid
- Nodoff Tablets
- Out-of-Sorts
- Peerless Composition Essence
- Pegina
- Piletabs
- Prementaid
- Protat
- Psorasolv
- Rheumatic Pain Remedy
- Sciargo
- Skin Clear Ointment
- Skin Clear Tablets
- Skin Eruptions Mixture
- Slippery Elm Stomach Tablets
- Spanish Tummy Mixture
- Stomach Mixture
- Strength
- Tabritis
- Varicose Ointment
- Vegetable Cough Remover
- Watershed Mixture
- Watershed Tablets
- Wellwoman Herbal Tea
- Wellwoman Tablets