Pharm Sintez Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Pharm Sintez Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Buserelin
- Buserelin-Depot
- Cycloral
- Milanfore
- Octreotide
- Octreotide 111 In
- Octreotide-Depo
- Resorba
- Tamsulon
Latest Popular Site Searches
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- Candid MP (Glenmark Pharmaceuticals)
- Candid-CL (Glenmark Pharmaceuticals)
- Candid-V (Glenmark Pharmaceuticals; Uni Drug House)
- Candid-V1 (Glenmark Pharmaceuticals; Uni Drug House)
- Candid-V3 (Glenmark Pharmaceuticals; Uni Drug House; Union Medical, Thailand)
- Candid-V6 (Glenmark Pharmaceuticals; PharmAsia-Cuvest; Uni Drug House)
- Candifem (Meyer Organics)
- Candigen-BG (Galantica Pharma India)
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- Canditral (Glenmark Pharmaceuticals; Uni Drug House; Union Medical, Thailand)
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- Candyl (Douglas Pharmaceuticals; JDH Borneo Thailand; TTN Thitiratsanon)
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