Parenteral Drugs India Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Parenteral Drugs India Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Ceftiwin
- Cigram
- Ciprodex
- Ciprodex IV
- Ciprodex-TZ
- Dextrose 5% with NaCl 0.45%
- Dextrose 5% with Normal Saline
- Dolofenac
- Flufen
- Gentate
- Gentate-B
- Glycine
- Ikleen
- Nimpic
- Oculor
- Ocuroid
- Ocusone
- PD Rox
- PD Tab
- PD-Flam
- PD-Invert
- PD-Lyte-E
- PD-Lyte-G
- PD-Lyte-M
- PD-Lyte-P
- PD-Mox
- PD-Mox Plus
- PD-Nor E / E
- PD-Roxil
- PDZole-D
- Ringer Lactate
- Tinipidi IV