Lark Laboratories Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Lark Laboratories Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- AFB3
- AFB4
- Atrolar
- Azofen
- Azofen-T
- Basic Ointment
- Betalar
- Bowlease
- Brosol
- Calcilar
- Cefpolar
- Ciprolar
- Ciprolar-F
- Ciprolar-FC
- Ciprolar-T
- Clofcin
- Clofcin-M
- Clofcin-T
- Control
- Diclofast
- Diclofast-P
- Dolar
- Dolar-A
- Faminex
- Faminex Forte
- Fifolar
- Larmycetin
- Larprim
- Larprim Tablets
- Larprim-DS
- Malcidal
- Onocid
- P-Mox
- P-Mox Plus