Hypofarma Instituto Hypodermia e Farmacia Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Hypofarma Instituto Hypodermia e Farmacia Pharmaceutical Drugs:
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- Carbocit (C.T. Laboratorio Farmaceutico)
- Carbo-Cort (Novartis; Dome-Hollister-Stier)
- Carbocter (Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading)
- Carbocys (T Man Pharma)
- Carbodis ()
- Carbo-Dome (Sandoz; Dome-Hollister-Stier)
- Carbofen (Scoshia Remedy)
- Carbofen Forte (Scoshia Remedy)
- Carbofer-Z (Bal Pharma)
- Carbofil ()
- Carboflem (Danlex Research Laboratories)
- Carboflex (Bristol-Myers Squibb; ConvaTec)
- Carbofos ()
- Carbogast (Nadyphar)
- Carbohydrate Gum ()
- Carbokem (Alkem Laboratories)
- Carbolac ()
- Carbolevure (Pierre Fabre; Robapharm; UCB Pharma; Vedim Pharma)
- Carbol-Fuchsin ()
- Carbolit (Psicofarma Laboratorio; Raffo Laboratorios)
- Carbolith (Valeant Pharmaceuticals; ICN Pharmaceuticals; Psyco Remedies)
- Carbomate ()
- Carbomax (Newtramax Heathcare)
- Carbomax Plus (Newtramax Heathcare)
- Carbomed (JM Tolmann Laboratories; Medicamenta; Medicine Products, Thailand; Medicine Supply, Thailand)
- Carbomet ()
- Carbomina (Thai Binh Pharmaceutical and Medical Materials)
- Carbomint (Union Drug Laboratories; Pharmedic Vietnam)
- Carbomix (Mayne Pharma; Beacon Pharmaceuticals; Fournier; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology; Leiras; Meadow Laboratories; Omega Pharma; Pharmygiene-SCAT Laboratoires; Vaillant Italiani Laboratori)
- Carbomox (Mundipharma; Win Medicare)
- Carbon Black BV ()
- Carbon Black Channel ()
- Carbon Black Furnace ()
- Carbon Black Lamp ()
- Carbon Black V ()
- Carbon Monoxide; Neon; Oxygen; Nitrogen (BOC Gases)
- Carbona ()
- Carbona-SR (Zota Health Care; Sayona)
- Carbonato Calcico (Knop Laboratorios)
- Carbonet (Smith & Nephew)
- Carboneural (Recipe, Austria)
- Carbony (Cruise Pharmacia)
- Carbopa (Intas Pharmaceuticals)
- Carbopect (V.S. International)
- Carbophar Capsules (Pharmaffiliates Healthcare)
- Carbophar Suspension (Pharmaffiliates Healthcare)
- Carbophos (UPSA Laboratoires)
- Carboplan (Natco Pharma)
- Carboplatin (Abic; R.X. Company; Teva)
- Carboplatin (Akorn)