Faran Laboratories Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Faran Laboratories Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Afenoxin
- Aflogen
- Aggovask
- Alefos
- Algin-Vek
- Altermon
- Analept
- Anatoxal Di Te Berna
- Anatoxal-TE-Berna
- Armament
- Atenolol
- Azedose
- Bumeftyl
- Carnidose
- Cefanyl
- Cidrops
- Dexafar
- Difmedol
- Donarot
- Dropiltim
- Epadoc
- Erycream
- Estopause
- Factodin
- Faragel Forte
- Farcef
- Farcyclin
- Felfar
- Flumetol
- Folinato
- Frenasma
- Gasterogen
- Gastrolene
- Gertalgin
- Gertemycin
- Gertocalm
- Glaucodose
- Helicobacter
- Hetaclox
- Hetacloxacin
- Hypotensor
- Inflaflur
- Ketotifen
- Landolaxin
- Lanocardique
- Latonina
- Lipidless
- Medacter
- Mentidose
- Mibiron
- Monobracin
- Myovek
- Nitroretard
- Profenil
- Profinject
- Rheumavek
- Rosital
- Serpafar
- Sofasin
- Sofasin
- Somastin
- Somastin
- Sostatin
- Spirosine
- Stamin
- Sterodome
- Stressless
- Synarome
- Tear Drops
- Thyro-4
- Trafuril
- Tussefar
- Tusselin
- Udesogel
- Udesospray
- Uridactone
- Vanogel
- Vaselpin
- Vekfanol
- Vekfazolin
- Veltion
- Verbital
- Verboril
- Versalba
- Zem
- Zimox