D.R. John's Lab Healthcare Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of D.R. John's Lab Healthcare Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Acil
- Alep
- Alep-SR
- Arloc
- Arloc-D
- Arthorid Suspension
- Arthorid Tablets
- Azol
- Cexim
- Cistin
- Desflor
- Gitae
- Gitae-M
- Griloc
- Imex
- Jidox
- Jidox-C
- Jocin
- Joglit
- Jope
- Jopram
- Jox
- Jox-TZ
- Joxcy
- Jozide
- Jozide-M
- Judom
- Lido
- Miol
- Miol-OD
- Miol-P
- Nex-M
- Obzin
- Olez
- Pie
- Plor
- Ramic
- Ramic Forte
- Ramic-M
- Refid
- Sarot
- Tideol
- V-2
- V-2 Plus
- Vagator
- Vagator-EZ
- Vagolip
- Vagolip-EZ
- Xoy
- Xoy-S