Coria Laboratories Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Coria Laboratories Pharmaceutical Drugs:
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- Robusanon Powder (Robugen Pharmazeutische Fabrik)
- Robuvalen (Robugen Pharmazeutische Fabrik)
- Roby F60 Chlorhexidine Teat Dip (Savon Roby)
- Roc Chronoblock (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Hydra Plus Bio Active Anti-Oxidant Bio-Moisturizing Care Combination Skin SPF 30 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Hydra Plus Bio Active Anti-Oxidant Bio-Moisturizing Care Dry Skin SPF 30 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Hydra Plus Bio Active Anti-Oxidant Bio-Moisturizing Care Normal Skin SPF 30 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Minesol Protect Multi-Position Atomizer SPF 30 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Minesol Protect Multi-Position Atomizer SPF 45 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Minesol Protect Ultra High Protection Suncare Cream SPF 60 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Minesol Protect Ultra High Protection Suncare Spray SPF 60 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Minesol Protect Very High Protection Suncare Spray SPF 30 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Minesol SPF 20 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Minesol SPF 30 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Minesol SPF 40 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Retin-Ol + Day SPF 30 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Retinol Actif Pour Day SPF 15 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Retinol Actif Pur Day SPF 15 (Johnson & Johnson)
- RoC Sante Soleil SPF 25 (Johnson & Johnson)
- Roc Soya Unify SPF 15 (Johnson & Johnson)
- RoC Sunscreen Stick (Johnson & Johnson)
- Rocainol (Compania Internacional de Comercio)
- Rocal (ANB Laboratories)
- Rocaltrol (Roche; R.P. Scherer; Theramex Laboratoire)
- Rocanal Imediat (Medirel)
- Rocanal Permanent Gangrene (Medirel)
- Rocanal Permanent Vital (Medirel)
- Rocap (Sandoz)
- RO-Carpine (Rivex Pharma)
- Rocavit Capsules (Vitae Laboratorios)
- Rocavit Drops (Vitae Laboratorios)
- Rocavit Injection (Vitae Laboratorios)
- Rocavit Solution (Vitae Laboratorios)
- Roccal (Sanofi-Aventis; Reckitt Benckiser)
- Roccaxin (TNP Health Care)
- Rocco (Vetoquinol)
- Rocefalin (Roche)
- Rocefin (Roche)
- Roceph (BCM)
- Roceph Distab (BCM)
- Rocephalin (Roche)
- Rocepherin (Bryntsalov-A)
- Rocephin (Roche; Biochemie; HLR)
- Rocephin I.M. (Roche; HLR)
- Rocephin I.V. (Roche; HLR)
- Rocephin Kit (Roche; HLR)
- Rocephin with Dextrose in plastic container (Roche; HLR)
- Rocephine (Roche)
- Roceron (Roche)
- Roceron-A (Roche)