Charak Pharma Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Charak Pharma Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Addyzoa
- Alka
- Alsarex
- Aptizooom
- Arjunin
- Arshonyt
- Arshonyt Forte
- Arthrella
- Calcury
- Cephagraine Drops
- Cephagraine Tablets
- Cytozen
- Evanova
- Extrammune Syrup
- Extrammune Tablets
- Femi Forte
- Femiplex
- Galakol
- Garlill
- Gum-Tone
- Haleezy
- Hyponidd
- Kofol
- Livomyn
- Livomyn Drops
- Lunarex Forte
- M2-Tone
- M2-Tone Forte
- Manoll
- Ned Forte
- Neo
- Obenyl
- Ojus
- Ostolief
- Paedritone
- Pallrywyn Forte
- Pigmento
- Posex Forte
- Regulax Forte
- Rymanyl Capsules
- Rymanyl Liniment
- Skinelle
- Spasma
- Sumenta
- Urtiplex
- Vigomax
- Vigoroll Jelly
- Vomiteb