CSL Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of CSL Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- ADT Vaccine
- Albumex
- Albumin
- Albumin Human
- Austramycin V
- Austrastaph
- Benpen
- Biostate
- Black Snake Antivenom
- Box Jellyfish Antivenom
- Brown Snake Antivenom
- Caprin
- Carbapen
- CDT Vaccine
- Cholera Vaccine
- CMV Immunoglobulin
- CMV Immunoglobulin-VF
- Death Adder Antivenom
- Diphtheria Antitoxin
- Diphtheria Vaccine, adsorbed Adult
- Diphtheria Vaccine, adsorbed Infant
- Duractin
- Enpovax HDC
- Frusemide
- Frusemide (Furosemide)
- Frusemide (Furosemide) Min-I-Jet
- Frusemide Min-I-Jet
- Funnel Web Spider Antivenom
- Glucose Min-I-Jet
- Haemate-P
- Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin-VF
- Hepatitis B-Immunglobulin
- Hizentra
- Intragam P
- Labpenase
- Lacto Calamine
- Lemnis Fatty Cream
- Lemnis Fatty Cream HC
- Metin
- Monofix
- Monofix-VF
- Moxacin
- Normal Immunoglobulin-VF
- Plague Vaccine
- Polyvalent Snake Antivenom
- Privigen
- Prothrombinex
- Prothrombinex-HT
- Prothrombinex-VF
- Q-Vax
- Q-Vax Q Fever Vaccine
- Q-Vax Skin Test
- Red Back Spider Antivenom
- Rh(D) Immunoglobulin-VF
- Sea Snake Antivenom
- Snake Bite
- Snake Venom Detection
- Sodium Bicarbonate Min-I-Jet
- Stonefish Antivenom
- Taipan Antivenom
- Tet-Tox
- Tetanus Immunoglobulin-VF
- Thrombotrol-VF
- Ticillin
- Tick Antivenom
- Tiger Snake Antivenom
- Trevintix
- Typh-Vax
- Typh-Vax Oral
- Zoster Immunoglobulin
- Zoster Immunoglobulin-VF