Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Prozef - Technelite.
List of Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Prozef
- Psyquil Compositum
- Quantalan
- Quantalan zuckerfrei
- Questran Light
- Questran Lite
- Quotal NF
- Rau-Sed
- Rautractyl
- Rautrax
- Rautrax N
- Rea Amoxicilina
- Rea Tos
- Rea Tos Amoxicilina
- Remsed
- Reno-M
- Reno-M-Dip
- Resedorm Liquid
- Resedorm Tablets
- Reseril
- Resteclin
- Reyataz
- Rezipas
- Rhinoval C
- Rozicel
- Rubex
- Rubramin
- Rubranova
- Rubraton
- Sanicel
- Sea Breeze
- Sea Breeze Antiseptic Facial Skin Cleaning Oily
- Sea Breeze Antiseptic Facial Skin Cleaning Original Formula
- Sea Breeze Antiseptic Skin and Scalp Cleaning
- Sebucare
- Sebulex
- Sedartryl
- Sefril
- Selectin
- Selektine
- Selipran
- Senodin-AN
- Septofort
- Serzone
- Serzone-5HT2
- Serzonil
- Silargetten
- Sinemet Plus
- Sinopril
- Sinus Excedrin
- Siqualine
- Siqualon
- Siqualone
- Sirop Pectoral Adulte
- Sirop Pectoral Enfant
- Skenan
- Solgeretik
- Solgeretik
- Solgol Mite
- Solgol Mite
- Solugastryl
- Solugastryl
- Solupsa
- Solupsa
- Sotacor / ASA
- Sotalex
- Sotalex Mite
- Sotaper
- Sotapor
- Sotazide
- Sotaziden
- Sotaziden N
- Spasmo-Euvernil
- Spec-T Green Lozenges
- Spec-T Red Lozenges
- Spectrocin
- Sprycel
- Squibb-HC
- Stadol NS
- Staficilin N
- Staril
- Staticine
- Steclin
- Steclin-V
- Steros-Anal
- Stilbetin
- Sulparex
- Super Sustagen
- Superace
- Sustain
- Sustrate
- Susvita
- T-Stat
- Talseclin
- Talsutin
- Tarquinor
- Taxol
- Taxol A
- Technelite