Admac Pharma Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Admac Pharma Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Aclomax
- Adcal Syrup
- Adcal Tablets
- Adcip
- Adcip-TZ
- Adclav
- Adcon
- Adee-12 Injections
- Adee-12 Tablets
- Adexim
- Adgat
- Adkalizer
- Admadol
- Adnac-MR
- Adom-O
- Adpep
- Adpep-D
- Adpime
- Adprazole
- Adprazole-D
- Advit
- Advit Plus
- Advit-DR
- Adzopip
- Afzone
- Afzone-S
- Alcored
- Alof
- Alof-T
- Alphacad
- Alrin-B Capsules
- Alrin-B Syrup
- Arthar
- Aspar
- Atenodip
- Atric Plus
- Atrovin
- Avicef
- Avicef-O
- Avicef-S
- Avikacin
- Avillin
- Avineuron
- Azid
- Cad-Vital
- Cadec
- Cadgil
- Cadgrow-M
- Cadicin
- Cadifix
- Cadiflam
- Cadiflam-NP
- Cadipip
- Cadither
- Cadizone
- Cadizone-S
- Cadizone-XP
- Cadmax
- Cadmentin
- Cadmoxin-CS
- Cadmoxin-LB
- Cadof
- Cadol
- Cadol-P
- Cadpime
- Cadpo-D
- Cadpo-N
- Cadred
- Cadzid
- Caxyl
- Caxyl-P
- Cazita
- Cefonex
- Cyfer
- Cyfer-P
- Decavillin
- Dmel
- Feric-Z
- Ferocid
- Garamax
- Gatibenz
- Gaticad
- Irocid-Z
- K-Cip
- K-Cip-TZ
- Kaxitel
- Kundo-V
- L-Cef
- Labdec
- Labicef-S
- Labzone
- Lazith
- Lazopip
- Lebec-D
- Lebec-MR
- Lebec-NP
- Lebzone
- Leebec-NP
- Leecon
- Leedol