Alpha- and Beta-Adrenergic Agonists Category Listing. Carpo-Miotic - Chlor-Rest.
Alpha- and Beta-Adrenergic Agonists Products. Letter C.
Results: 101 to 200 of 462
- Carpo-Miotic (Bell Pharma)
- Carrserp (BCM)
- Carvedexxon (Dexxon)
- Carvedigamma (Worwag Pharma; Artesan Pharma)
- Carvedil (Bago Laboratorios)
- Carvedilol (Actavis)
- Carvedilol (Adico Pharma)
- Carvedilol (Apotex)
- Carvedilol (Aurobindo)
- Carvedilol (Caraco)
- Carvedilol (Dr. Reddy's Laboratories)
- Carvedilol (EG Labo)
- Carvedilol (Glenmark Pharmaceuticals)
- Carvedilol (Helvepharm)
- Carvedilol (Hexal)
- Carvedilol (Hikma Pharmaceuticals)
- Carvedilol (Lupin Pharmaceuticals)
- Carvedilol (Makiz-Pharma)
- Carvedilol (Mepha)
- Carvedilol (Merck)
- Carvedilol (Mylan Pharmaceuticals)
- Carvedilol (Obolenskoe Pharmaceutical Enterprise)
- Carvedilol (Pliva)
- Carvedilol (Pro Doc)
- Carvedilol (Ranbaxy)
- Carvedilol (Replekpharm; Sotex)
- Carvedilol (Sandoz)
- Carvedilol (Sanitas Laboratorio Chimico Farmaceutico)
- Carvedilol (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Carvedilol (Spirig Pharma)
- Carvedilol (Taro Pharmaceuticals)
- Carvedilol (Teva)
- Carvedilol (Vertex)
- Carvedilol (Watson Pharmaceuticals)
- Carvedilol (Zydus Pharmaceuticals)
- Carvel (Hexal)
- Carvenal (Shin Poong Pharmaceuticals)
- Carvetone (Sandoz; DuraScan Medical Products)
- Carvetrend (Pliva)
- Carvidil (Grindex)
- Carvil (Zydus Cadila)
- Carvipress (Gentili Istituto)
- Carvisken (BCM)
- Carvisken ()
- Carxasin (M & H Manufacturing)
- Catapres (Boehringer Ingelheim; German Remedies)
- Catapres-TTS (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Catapresan (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Catapressan (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Catarpres (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Catarpres-TTS (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Catarpresan (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Catenol (Cadila)
- Caterol (Central Poly Trading)
- Cazosin (Millimed)
- CCK (Instituto Sanitas)
- CCMD Ephedrine (CCM Duopharma BioTech)
- Cebrine (Shince Pharmaceuticals)
- Cebrocal (Temis Lostalo Laboratorios)
- Cedrin (Schering-Plough)
- Cehapark (Sanova Pharma)
- Celetil (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Cenafed (Century Pharmaceuticals)
- Cenafed Plus (Century Pharmaceuticals)
- Cencanyl (Central Poly Trading)
- Centapp (Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading)
- Cereloid (Sun Pharmaceutical Industries)
- Cetsim (BCM)
- Cetsim ()
- Cevas (Zydus Cadila)
- Chelafrin (BCM)
- Chelafrin ()
- Chem Mart Atenolol (Chem Mart; GenRx)
- Chem Mart Metoprolol (Chem Mart; GenRx)
- Chem Mart Prazosin (Chem Mart; GenRx)
- Chem Mart Prazosin (Chem Mart; GenRx)
- Chem Mart Salbutamol (Chem Mart; GenRx)
- Chem Mart Salbutamol (Chem Mart; GenRx)
- Chem Mart Sotalol (Chem Mart; GenRx)
- Chemists' Own Sinus Relief (Chemists' Own; Herron Pharmaceuticals)
- Chemists' Own Sinus-Pain Relief (Chemists' Own; Herron Pharmaceuticals)
- Cheracol Sinus (Shire)
- CHI Formula (Nature's Sunshine Products)
- Chibro-Pilocarpin (Merck)
- Chibro-Pilocarpine (Merck)
- Chibro-Timoptol (Merck)
- Children's Advil Cold (Wyeth)
- Children's Allerest (Novartis)
- Children's Cepacol (J. B. Williams)
- Children's Ibuprofen Cold (The Harvard Drug Group)
- Children's Motrin Cold (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals)
- Children's Nostril (Novartis)
- Children's Sudafed Nasal Decongestant (Pfizer)
- Children's Tylenol Decongestantuid (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals)
- Children's Tylenol Sinus (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals)
- Children's Tylenol Sinus Chewable (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals)
- Chinnolol (Chinta; Pharma Square)
- Chlor Tripolon Decongest (Schering-Plough)
- Chlor-Phed Timecelles (BCM)
- Chlor-Rest (Watson Pharmaceuticals)